Current and Recent #TheatreActions:

Learn more about Hindsight is 2020 here
Protest Plays, Little Black Dress INK, and thirty female playwrights have created a collection of monologues about the TWENTY FOUR allegations of sexual misconduct against our president.
CLICK HERE for more info!
Our 2018 Get Out the VOTE! Plays collection is live!
Read the short (1-3 minute) royalty free, non-partisan, plays/monologues HERE.
Welcome! The Protest Plays Project is a theatre protest initiative spearheaded by playwright Tiffany Antone, and brought to fruition through collaboration with other passionate playwrights, artistic directors, literary managers, and artists. This cadre of passionate souls have joined forces to cultivate connectivity between creative resistors, organizers, and audiences.
Protest Plays Project began as a means of identifying and sharing protest inspired short plays via the New Play Exchange. It has since moved forward with additional initiatives…
We have created an online playwriting residency which invites playwrights from around the country to write plays inspired by issues and concerns in their community.
A growing number of colleges are participating in our Heal the Divide on Campus Initiative. Find out how you/your students can participate here.
Protest Plays is committed to identifying partner events and activist causes that we can support by fostering connections between organizations/events and playwrights who want to write for their cause.
Protest Plays Project will continue to evolve along with our nation’s social and political climate. We look forward to offering additional initiatives, and welcome feedback from artists, activists, and audiences – be sure to connect with us on Twitter or Facebook