The Trump administration continues to degrade and mis-characterize immigrants using inhumane terms, while seeking more and more ways to other-ize and persecute them. Meanwhile, babies are being ripped from their mother’s arms at the border, pizza delivery drivers are being reported to ICE by customers who then rip them from their families, and children are being kept in isolation from the only family they know. And now the Justice department has decided that asylum seekers will no longer be granted asylum on gang or domestic violence grounds, leaving many refugees without hope of safety.
This administration’s immoral and grotesque policies must be stopped. One thing artists can do to help is to share their work with artist activists who wish to employ theatre as protest.
THEATREMAKERS: If you would like to present readings of these plays (and we sure hope you do!) Please register below, and we will send the curated collection of short plays to you asap. If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at