The following plays are designed to present opportunities for healing through theatical conversation. We recommend these plays for groups who want to dive into (potentially difficult) conversation with their community, but don’t know how to start.
- Cowboy Cut, by Nelson Clark
Wealthy businessman Arizona Slim wants to build all the (very profitable) privately owned prisons in the state. He needs to bribe two legislators to make the deal, and needs political fixer Shelby Charles to make that happen. What Shelby needs is a lot more money than Slim is used to paying; the underbelly of Arizona politics has changed in ways the old timer doesn’t quite understand (according to a 2014 survey of reporters nationwide, done by researchers at Harvard University’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, the state is the most corrupt in the country). The dance they do illustrates who is a player and who is the played. Welcome to our own Southwest version of ‘House of Cards.’ #politicalplay, #arizona #10min
- Disconnect, by Caity-Shea Violette #FemalePlaywrights, #AllFemaleCast, #LGBTQ
- Devushka and the Cat, by Kaysy Ostrom #ImmigrationPlays, #FemalePlaywrights I loved this play a lot. I think this speaks to so many issues.
- Leave, by Ricardo Soltero-Brown #police, #mentalillness, #ptsd, #guncontrol, #blacklivesmatter The police officers are shown as being upset about a shooting. The reason is unclear and thus this is pretty interesting in thinking about both sides.
- My Mom Lives In The Attic, by Larissa Marten Had difficulty discerning this play’s message or parameters. Perhaps fresh eyes should read?
- Styrofoam Cup, by Judy Meiksin #environment, #energy, #greenenergy, #nuclearenergy, #climatechange Debate between green and nuclear energy; good at looking at both.
- Take Care, by Caity-Shea Violette #FemalPlaywright, #HealthIssues, #Marriage
- The National Park Service i.e. Bad-Ass-Lands, by Christine Williamson #Censorship #Media #FreeSpeech #Blacklisting #Protest This is a wonderful play. It requires little to make its point in the way of props, etc. Fantastic.