Theatre is all about empathy, connectivity & collaboration – which is why we believe we should be tearing down walls, not putting more up! Plays in this category address immigration issues, the dangers of nationalism, and that fucking border wall.
- A Free Country, by Ricardo Soltero-Brown
#10min, #2actors, #drama, #poetic, #water
A screener interviews a refugee. Published in The Dionysian 002. *Minimal, no sets or costumes *Can be done while walking Script
- Beautiful Scar, by Kathy Rucker
#journalism #refugees
Beautiful Scar is the playwright’s response to the poetic, political, enchanting writings of the Uruguayan writer, Eduardo Galeano. Experimental in nature, the play touches on the ephemeral nature of a journalist’s life as he is forced to flee his home, his country and everything he loves. Script
- English Only, by Bryan Stubbles
#10min #resistance
Two women must stop the government from making America a truly “English only” nation. - Expression of Regret, by Christine Toy Johnson
#directaddress, #allfemalecast, #asianamericanexperience, #citizenship #10min
Three Chinese American women wonder if the end of the Chinese Exclusion Act and the U.S. government’s apology for it will make it easier to breathe. Script
- On Arriving at the Refugee Processing Center, UNHCR by, Ivan Faute
#monologue #poc #5minutes #drama
When a Syrian refugee arrives for processing, she explains what she most regrets leaving behind. *Can be performed while walking. Script
- Tanforan, by Christine Toy Johnson
#relocation #historicalallegory, #allfemalecast, #5minutes, #music #asianamericanexperience
A Caucasian woman married to a Japanese American man during World War II must reconcile the identity the U.S. government gives her with the only home she knows: her family. Script
- The Tower, by Diana Burbano
#Trump #AllFemaleCast
A beautiful Slovenian ex-model confronts her son’s tutor and faces questions about her place in the world. Script
- There’s More to Life Than Being Happy, by Deborah Magid
#drama #femaleplaywright #family #10min
Viktor Frankl, father of the third school of Viennese Psychotherapy, confronts the Holocaust. Script